10 Easy Self-Care Tips For Actors

Are you an actor dealing with immense bouts of stress and anxiety due to the fallout of the pandemic?

You are not alone.

A combination of lost jobs, lost income, lost hope, and weeks spent stuck in quarantine can send anyone into a downward spiral.

I recently held a poll on my Instagram, @actoraesthetic, asking fellow performers to lend their best self-care tips, rituals, and products that are helping them through this difficult time. Though I definitely have some go-to practices to relieve stress, I was surprised by how many tips were shared that I hadn’t even tried yet!

Here are 10 self-care tips you can try today.

It truly takes a village.

Easy Self-Care Tips For Actors

1. Get rid of all that clutter!

We’re in a pandemic. We’re stuck at home. Now’s the time for a deep clean!

As Marie Kondo says, “Keep only those things that speak to your heart. Then take the plunge and discard all the rest. By doing this, you can reset your life and embark on a new lifestyle.” “The best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in one's hand and ask: “Does this spark joy?” If it does, keep it.”

Once you declutter, you’ll start finding new ways to appreciated your space. Just because you’re stuck in quarantine doesn’t mean you can’t do a little spring cleaning!

2. Turn off your phone.

As a blogger who is constantly checking and updating my social media and online presence, I know how hard it is to put your phone down. But when you’re finally able to release yourself from the need to check your cell… wow, does it feel good!

Better yet, leave your phone in another room. Even if it’s just for an hour. You’ll be amazed at how it affects your overall mood.

3. Take a nice, warm bath.

Ever take a steamy, hot bath before bed? Hot water relaxes the body and better prepares us for falling asleep. When a tense body enters a warm bath, the hot water increases the body temperature and relaxes the muscles. Relaxing the muscles not only soothes us physically, but also mentally, and many of us need that peace of mind at the end of the day!

Warm baths are also widely known to boost your brain and nerve health, protect your bones, muscles and joints, lower blood pressure, and reduce headaches.

4. Light a candle.

The simple act of lighting a candle can prove to be tremendously stress relieving. Scented candles that use quality essential oils promote relaxation, reduce anxiety and stress and induce quality of sleep. The flicker of the flame and the low lighting provided by candle light creates an ambience of relaxation and calm.

5. Take a break and Stretch.

I’ve been loving my morning routine - wake up, make my coffee, and stretch! Not only does stretching improve flexibility and your range of motion, but it also increases blood flow to your muscles. Tight muscles are commonly due to stress, and in quarantine, it helps to take a break and stretch it out!

6. Meditate.

Promoting emotional health, meditation can be an incredible tool to combat crisis.

I’ve always had a hard time maintaining focus when trying to meditate. However, my life changed when a good friend introduced me to the app Insight Timer. I've found that Insight Timer has more free content for your perusal than any other meditation app. This app is designed to reduce anxiety, achieve higher levels of self-love and compassion, and calm a busy mind.

7. Listen to music.

Music reduces stress and anxiety, decreases pain, aids in memory, improves workouts, and overall… makes you feel GOOD! Create a Spotify playlist of your favorite tunes - anything from the best Broadway hits, to those obscure indie songs that make you feel all the feels, whatever floats your boat.

One of my favorite playlists on Apple Music is Bedtime Beats.

8. Go for a walk/run.

Due to COVID-19 closures, we can’t go to the gym, we can’t go to the parks... but we CAN go on walks! Even if it’s just around the block of your neighborhood, a good walk can help clear your mind.

Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance.

Remember to social distance, bring a mask if necessary, and stay safe.

9. Apply a face mask.

NOT to be confused with healthcare face masks!

The reason why so many actors love to do face masks is because you can get totally Zen AND help your skin in one fell swoop.

When you apply a face mask, you’re taking time to focus on the health of your complexion with a product that addresses a particular concern. Whether it’s breakout control, brightening, or anti-ageing, there are tons of benefits to using a face mask. My favorite is the Cup O’ Coffee mask from Lush.

10. Try Gratitude journaling.

The simple habit of reflecting on what you’re grateful for can actually lead to a happier, more content life.

Your gratitude journal doesn't have to be deep. What you are thankful for, especially during quarantine, can be as simple as "family" or "this morning's breakfast" or even “good health!” What you are grateful for will differ from everyone else.

Don’t know where to start? Here are a few prompts to get you started.

  • Write about something you’re looking forward to.

  • Write a thank you note to yourself.

  • Scroll through your phone, pick a random photo, and write about why you’re grateful for that memory.

  • Look out the window. What’s something you’re grateful for outside?

Searching for the right journal for you? Amazon prime the Habit Nest The Gratitude Sidekick Journal!

Find this helpful? Be sure to check out the Actor Aesthetic podcast. New episodes every Monday.
