Top 13 College Essentials You Need As A Musical Theatre Major
Congratulations! You are now a musical theatre major!
Now that the hard part is over with, it is time to tackle the next challenge… packing for college. Arguably the most challenging part of actually making it to your university, packing for college is stressful enough, but add in the extra demands of being a musical theatre major, and it is easy to get lost.
Aside from your normal college packing list of sheets, towels, mattress topper, and so on, here are 13 things that you need to add to your college packing list that will help you thrive as a musical theatre major!
1. An awesome water bottle
You’ve heard it a million times before, and I will say it again: hydration is KEY! Now more than ever, you will need to be drinking water! I like to carry a nice big HydroFlask to remind me to finish it. Also, if you get a cute water bottle that you can personalize with stickers and that you love to look at, you will be more inclined to drink it!
Try the HydroFlask water bottle here.
2. Personal humidifier
If you haven’t steamed before, now is the time to start! Not only is it great for your vocal folds, now your throat and nose and skin will be craving some steam. Dorms are super dry and if you are traveling away from home for college, you are going to need to adjust to the climate change. Coming from a girl who moved from super humid Houston to very dry Arizona, I would not be surviving without my humidifier.
We recommend the Vicks personal steamer.
3. Yoga mat
Now that most campus recreation centers are probably closed for the semester, you are going to want to get your workout in at home. Whether you are in a dorm, apartment, or house, a yoga mat is the perfect way to set up your space for a productive sweat sesh. It’s also perfect for laying down when you want to get a good stretch in after sitting on Zoom for a couple of hours!
4. Leotards you love
There is nothing worse than getting ready for ballet class and realizing that you hate every leotard you own (trust me, I’ve been there). Best way to feel confident in dance class? A leotard that you absolutely love! I recommend Discount Dance for some affordable yet totally cute options. Remember to pack some basic black ones along with some colorful and fun options!
You can also try a leo from Capezio here.
5. Joggers
Along the same lines of dance class, the thought of trekking across campus in my leotard and pink ballet tights seems nightmarish. One of my favorite things to do is “dress up” my dance class looks as I walk across campus. My favorite piece to do that with is a nice pair of joggers. These things are so versatile. You can throw them over pink tights or you can dress them up for an everyday look. Comfortable, cute, what more could you ask for?
6. A good backpack
A bag is a musical theatre major’s home away from home. When you spend hours away from your dorm, you need to have a bag that can comfortably fit everything you need. You will be stuffing dance shoes, binders chock full of music, rehearsal clothes, curling irons, audition outfits, and more into your bag or backpack on a daily basis. Find one you love that is comfortable, practical, and durable!
7. Breathable masks
Couldn’t leave masks off the list! We have all probably tried out dozens of masks, but the best ones for musical theatre majors are ones that are as breathable as possible. Finding masks that are made for activity and exercise are going to be your best bet to be comfortable and safe while you walk to class, sing, act, and dance all day long.
8. Planner
A planner, or an e-Planner if you prefer, are essential to college life. The college truth is, you will have homework and projects and many things to memorize on any given day. With the amount of classes that college students take, it is easy to get disorganized. Not to mention that we as musical theatre majors also have to add in nightly rehearsals! As a junior in college, I can say that I would be completely lost without my planner. It is my literal lifeline.
9. Steamer
Let’s face it there is probably not enough storage in your dorm room for an ironing board, and sometimes you need to get your audition wear wrinkle free on the go. A portable steamer is the best way to keep your outfits looking clean and fresh wherever you go! They are super tiny, easy to pack, and all you need to do is add some water.
Try the Hilifie portable steamer.
10. Comfortable shoes
You will be walking a lot. When you have ten minutes to run from jazz to your English class, you will be thankful for the comfortable shoes you packed. I have found that a nice pair of sneakers are the best choice. Easily transition from dance class to walking to workout with no sacrifice for your comfort.
11. Ring light
Welcome to the age of digital musical theatre! Whether you are taping an audition, self taping for class assignments, or want some nice lighting on your Zoom meeting, a ring light is essential. Also, this is a musical theatre life essential! As you transition into the industry, your ring light will be your best friend, so get to know them now!
We suggest the Neewer Ring Light!
12. A good place to store your music
During your time at school you will be getting A LOT of sheet music, and you are going to want to save everything! Whether you are saving digitally on an iPad or laptop or in a good old fashioned binder, you are going to want a reliable place to keep this all organized. Trust me, one day many years from now you will be thinking “where is that song I got my freshman year of college?”
13. Self confidence
You didn’t think I would forget this one, did you? In a business full of “no,” the best thing you can bring with you to college is some self confidence. Remember what got you into your program in the first place! Your talent, your personality, and everything that makes you YOU are deserving and enough!
Now that you are packed and ready to go, remember to have fun, soak up everything you learn, and explore all of the opportunities your university has to offer you!
Taylor Maresca
Taylor Maresca is a junior BFA Musical Theatre major at the University of Arizona minoring in Journalism and Public Relations. Taylor is passionate about people and storytelling and strives to combine her love of the arts, writing, and creative media to promote the arts as the true essential they are to our world. @taylormaresca
High schoolers - listen up! Here’s a general timeline to follow when preparing for musical theatre college auditions.