Learn how to optimize your social media game, nail your next self-tape audition, create a professional website, land a side job, find new plays, submit to casting directors, and more.
Need a quick rehearsal
track for auditions?
With nearly all auditions and performances going virtual due to coronavirus concerns, it’s more important than ever to invest in the essentials.
While you’re stuck at home, hunkered down in quarantine due to COVID-19, check out these plays.
Because of the nation-wide shutdowns, many theatre students are forced to forfeit performing arts classes, school productions, concerts, and showcases.
More often than ever, casting directors are taking to social media to learn more about you.
Casting directors receive thousands of submissions a day from actors just like you. How will you stand out?
The stamina required to audition and perform at 100% is exhausting…. but these 5 essentials will help make any actor’s life just a little more bearable.
Download professional accompaniment tracks and rehearse for upcoming auditions with PianoTrax.
10 Ways to use Actors
Access To Your Advantage
Find yourself scrambling to pack for a production thats out-of-town? Don’t fret.
Ready to move to New York City? Here are the top neighborhoods you should check out before taking the plunge as an actor in the big apple.
Thinking about moving to the world’s largest theatre hub?
10 Tips To Nail Your Next Self Tape
Read how actress Amanda Paige Lewis made a massive transition that landed her dream job.
The story of how one extraordinary actress went from serving two years in the Israeli Military to pursuing her dreams as an actress in New York City.
As actors, it’s difficult for us to feel like our performance fate is ever in our hands. But for artist and creator Andy Baldwin, waiting around was never an option.
An interview with an up-and-coming performer about her journey to America, her goals for the future, and her newfound life as an international actress based in NYC.
Consider this.