6 Reasons Actors Must Use Google Calendar
An actor’s life is all about the hustle… and Google calendar makes it easy for us to stay on top of things and keep focused.
Managing your time as an actor is huge challenge. Balancing your daily life with auditions, classes, rehearsals, your day job and your home life can be overwhelming. At times it may feel like you just don’t have enough hours in the day to do it all. And the fact is, sometimes you just don’t. But, there are ways to manage your time to get optimum use out of it, and to make sure that you always have time for your acting career.
Here are my top 6 reasons actors must use Google Calendar!
1. Backstage and Actors’ Equity listings save directly to Google Calendar.
If you have an account on Backstage or Actors’ Equity, you can easily save audition notices directly to your Google calendar. Most information regarding time, location, and title will transfer over, as well as the link to the casting notice!
2. Listings on Actors Access, Playbill, Broadway World, etc can be easily transferred to the calendar.
Fill out the audition time and location, copy/paste any necessary information into the notes section, and transfer all your notes to your calendar! Having everything in one place save you lots of stress.
3. Auditions can be color coded for importance.
Choose different colors for Equity Principal Auditions (EPAs), Equity Chorus Calls (ECCs), open calls and audition appointments.
4. Have your audition calendar with you on-the-go.
With the Google calendar app, you can schedule and view upcoming auditions directly from your iPhone. The calendar is available anywhere there is service or internet.
5. Schedule reminders.
Never miss an audition! You have the option to customize how and when reminders are delivered. You can set notifications to be delivered via a popup message on your desktop, email or text message on mobile devices. You can even specify multiple reminders, or customize how long before the event the reminder should be sent.
6. Manage your money.
Google Calendar is a really simple but effective tool for keeping an eye on your cash flow and making sure all your bills get paid. Keep track of bill due-dates by creating a new calendar specifically for finances.
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