5 Types Of NYC Auditions For Non-Equity Actors

There are five types of New York auditions (with some fancy acronyms): Equity Principal Calls (EPA), Equity Chorus Calls (ECC) for Dancers, Equity Chorus Calls (ECC) for Singers, Open Calls, and Submissions Calls.

So how do you go about them if you are an EMC (Equity Membership Candidate) or non-Equity?


I got you.

Equity Principal Call (EPA):

Who: Singers and actors

How to get a slot: The monitor will begin taking sign ups an hour before the audition, with union actors being the first to sign up and receive slots. Depending on what your status is (EMC or non-Equity) and where the audition is located, you may have to put yourself on an official or unofficial list.

*EMC: Will be seen only if an equity member doesn’t show up for their appointment, if the team is running ahead of schedule, and there are no equity alternates left on the alternate list. EMCs MUST sign up before lunch break. EMC list is honored before non-equity list. Bring your EMC card. (your union status will be only be honored at EPA's. At ECC’s you are considered non-Equity).

*Non-Equity: Will be seen only if an equity member doesn’t show up for their appointment, if the team is running ahead of schedule, there are no equity alternates left on the alternate list and no EMCs left.

General rule: Keep your audition under 2 minutes, at least 32 bars, and follow instructions on the audition notice.

Procedure: You must be there when they call your name. If the stars align and you happen to snag a spot, the monitor will line you up, tell you who is in the room and what they are looking for.

Equity Chorus Call (ECC) for DANCERS: 

Who: Dancers

How to get a slot: EMC and non-equity are all considered non-equity at ECC's. You sign up on an unofficial list the morning of the audition and will be seen only if time allows. If the creative team types equity actors, non-equity will not be seen.

General rule: Audition notice will tell you what you need to bring, however, ALWAYS bring both music book and all dance clothes/shoes

Procedure: Once all equity members have been seen, wait for your name to be called and monitor will give you audition card with number on the top. Fill out the audition card with name, audition, phone number, email, and resume.

Callbacks and cuts: The creative team may make a cut and ask certain dancers to stay and learn more choreography or sing after all other dancers have auditioned. They will tell you which type of music/how long of a cut they would like before you go in.

Equity Chorus Call (ECC) for SINGERS

Who: Singers

How to get a slot: EMC and non-equity are all considered non-equity at ECC's. You sign up on an unofficial list the morning of the audition and will be seen only if time allows. If the creative team types equity actors, non-equity will not be seen.

General rule: The audition notice will tell you what you need to bring, however, ALWAYS bring both music book and all dance clothes/shoes

Procedure: Once all equity members have been seen, the monitor will line up groups of 10, collect headshots and audition cards, tell you who is in the room and what they are looking for. At 16 bars, monitors typically get through about 40 people an hour.

Callbacks: Theaters may ask you to stay and dance after all singers have sung.

Open Calls: 

Who: No difference between Equity, non-Equity, and EMC in the order in which you'll be seen

General Rule: Please don't arrive 5 hours before and sign up 30 of your friends.

Procedure (toss up!):  Some are run like equity chorus calls honoring the first person in line. Some have no monitor and an unofficial list will be honored. Some theaters see everyone. Some theaters may type. Some theaters may cut the list off at a certain number. 

Pro: Open opportunity for non-equity to be seen and hired

Con: Can be completely chaotic, especially if it is highly advertised

Submission Calls:

Who: Submissions can be for equity, EMC, OR non-equity

How to get a slot: Through agent, or self submission through email, mail, Actors Access or Playbill.com, Backstage, etc.

Procedure: Once you get a slot, arrive AT LEAST ten minutes before your audition, check in with the monitor, and wait until they are ready to see you.

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Maggie Bera

Maggie Bera, creator of Actor Aesthetic, is an actress based in NYC. A proud member of AEA and SAG-AFTRA, she holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Texas State University.


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