How To Make A Spreadsheet for College Auditions
College auditions are overwhelming. But with the effective organizational tools and time management, things will run a lot smoother.
Once you have decided on what schools you are planning to audition for, start recording the specifics. From application materials, to pre-screen videos, to song and monologue requirements, every college program will want something different.
It’s time to get organized! Here’s what to include in your spreadsheet to prepare for college auditions.
1. College and the Contact Person
When listing each university you are auditioning for, it’s important to keep track of who you will be in contact with when scheduling and emailing. There is usually one person involved in the process of scheduling for auditions.
2. Type of Program and Degree
Each program has different degrees to offer. Are you auditioning for a Bachelor of Fine Arts? Bachelor of Arts? Bachelor of Music? Two-year Associates degree? Conservatory or liberal arts? Musical Theatre or Acting?
3. Application Fees/Tuitition
College auditions are pricey. Keep track of your spending, application fees, and the tuition to attend each school should you be accepted.
4. Required Application Materials
Keep track of what the school wants from you and when they want it by. Transcripts, essays, SAT or ACT scores, letters of recommendation, etc
5. Essay Questions
When applying to schools, record the essay questions you have answered for each program. When you eventually audition for the program, it will be helpful to look back at this information. Many schools keep track of what you said in your essay if they are interested in you! which have similar questions.
6. Prescreen Video Requirements
A prescreen is a digital audition submission to determine if you are granted a live audition. College reps and admissions counselors will review your prescreen video before inviting you to audition for a spotin their program.
More schools than ever are now requiring a prescreen video. Make note of when the video is due, and what materials to include i.e. songs, monologues, dance combination, slate, etc.
7. Audition Dates and Locations
Record the exact dates of your scheduled auditions. Many schools travel to the National Unified Auditions (locations in NYC, LA, Chicago and Las Vegas) so you may be able to knock off a bunch of schools there if you are a Musical Theatre applicant. Be sure to double check this information… you don’t want to miss out on an important audition.
Be sure to include the location of the audition as well.
8. Travel Information
Some auditions you will drive to. Others you will fly to. When recording where the audition is, make sure to include your travel itinerary, including transportation, hotel information, etc.
9. Audition Song Requirements
Each school will require a different length and style of song: 32 bars, 16 bars, 1 minute, 2 minutes, uptempo, ballad, traditional, contemporary, pop, rock, etc.
10. Audition Monologue requirements
What genre of monologue would each program prefer? Shakespeare? Contemporary? How long does each have to be? How many do they want you to prepare?
The Ultimate Guide To Preparing For Musical Theatre College Auditions (IN 5 STEPS!)
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High schoolers - listen up! Here’s a general timeline to follow when preparing for musical theatre college auditions.