EMC Program: How Non-Union Actors Can Earn Points Towards Joining Equity
Today, NYC-based actress and Actor Aesthetic Podcast host Maggie Bera breaks down the Equity Membership Candidate program, how to join Actors' Equity Association, and more!
For theaters that participate in the EMC program - https://www.actoraesthetic.com/emc
Click here for more information on the EMC program through Actors Equity - https://www.actorsequity.org/join/emc/
Peter Pan at Connecticut Repertory Theatre, where Maggie Bera earned her first EMC points
On the blog:
EMC Program: How Non-Union Actors Can Earn Points Towards Joining Equity
To get the "How To Submit To Casting Directors (With Or Without An Agent)" Online Course, head to on over to https://actoraesthetic.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-submit-to-casting-directors.
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