Instagram For Actors: Q&A w/ Actor Aesthetic host Maggie Bera

More than ever, casting directors and creatives alike are surfing social media platforms to find fresh talent.

NYC-based actress and creator of Actor Aesthetic Maggie Bera answers all your questions about how actors can take advantage of Instagram.

  1. Should actors have more than one Instagram account?

  2. Should I revamp my personal account? Or just create a new one?

  3. What should I be linking to in my bio? Website? Youtube? other socials?

  4. How often should you be posting on Instagram?

  5. What time of day is best to post to increase engagement?

  6. Does number of followers really matter? Or is putting good content out there enough?

The Essential Guide to Instagram for Actors online course is now available! Click here.

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Instagram: @actoraesthetic




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Maggie Bera

Maggie Bera, creator of Actor Aesthetic, is an actress based in NYC. A proud member of AEA and SAG-AFTRA, she holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Texas State University.

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