How To Be A Better Ally To BIPOC in the Theatre Industry

Effective allyship is an active, conscious choice to advocate for a marginalized person or group of people. And right now, the BIPOC* community needs as many allies as possible.

Join NYC-based actress and host Maggie Bera to learn how to be a better ally to People of Color in the theatre industry.

*BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)


Steps to becoming a better ally:

  1. Recognize your privilege.

  2. Learn about each other's cultures and histories.

  3. Do not ask for guidance or endorsement from people of color.

  4. Look for and share resources

  5. Build a culture of dialogue

  6. Report racism in theatre

  7. Get help. You won’t always get everything right.

  8. Create the space, get out of the way and listen.

Sign A Petition, Donate, Call, Email and more here.

Have a conversation with you family members about social injustice here.

Join the Artists for Anti-Racist Accountability (AFAR) Facebook group here.

Report Racist Theatre here.

To join the Actor Aesthetic Alliance Facebook group, click here.

Spread the love and don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe to the Actor Aesthetic Podcast on iTunes, Google, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast app. 

Follow Maggie Bera on social media

Instagram: @actoraesthetic



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Maggie Bera

Maggie Bera, creator of Actor Aesthetic, is an actress based in NYC. A proud member of AEA and SAG-AFTRA, she holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Texas State University.

Leading With Love In The Face Of Racism with Marshall W. Mabry IV (TEDx Broadway)


National Tours, MFA Programs + Booking Without Representation with Jennifer Apple (The Band's Visit National Tour)