Leading With Love In The Face Of Racism with Marshall W. Mabry IV (TEDx Broadway)

Marshall W. Mabry IV

Marshall W. Mabry IV

Marshall W. Mabry IV is an activist, playwright, and performer from Atlanta, Ga. He’s an incoming freshman majoring in Musical Theatre at the Boston Conservatory at Berklee. Marshall strives to leave every room brighter than he found it especially for the young artists of color coming after him.

In this episode, NYC-based actress and host Maggie Bera chats with Marshall about racial stereotypes in theatre, accessibility, "colorblind" vs. "color-conscious" casting, and leading with love.

Watch Marshall's TEDx Broadway talk on "The Intersectionality Of Black Boys and Shakespeare" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq4dXOW2cwU

MWMIV Speaks - https://www.mwmivspeaks.com

Follow Marshall on Social Media

Instagram: @marshallwmabryiv

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Follow Maggie Bera on Social Media

Instagram: @actoraesthetic

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ActorAesthetic/

Email: maggie@actoraesthetic.com

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Maggie Bera

Maggie Bera, creator of Actor Aesthetic, is an actress based in NYC. A proud member of AEA and SAG-AFTRA, she holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Texas State University.


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